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Author: Kate Cobb

All posts

Treasure Hunting

Sometimes daily life gets so busy and distracting, you can miss some really cool things God invites you to see and hear if you're not careful. Thankfully He has a way of nudging me in meaningful ways to pique my curiosity and inspire me to keep treasure hunting! There have been some more interesting messages the cows have revealed this calving season, and this post explores some of what I've been seeing the last few weeks.

And Then There Was Mercy...

WARNING! GRAPHIC BIRTH PHOTOS IN THIS POST! If you're squeamish about things like this, open with caution ;). This is a post about what happens when we have to help the cow deliver. Photo credits to Doug, who had the presence of mind to document the process.

Prophetic Justice

Do you believe God speaks to us through cows? I sure do! Creation testifies of the Creator, and this particular cow has given me several messages...

When Bad Things Are Good

There is a time for everything. The writer of Ecclesiastes tells us, for example, there is a time to give birth and a time to die; a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to be silent and a time to speak. The seasonality of life on the farm is no exception. Read on to see what I mean in a grassroots way. Literally.

Yegerlehner Farm History

In 2020 we are celebrating 20 years of business for Farm Connection (formerly Swiss Connection), 70 years of managing a dairy on the farm, and close to 160 years since our Yegerlehner ancestors moved to this farm. So we thought a trip down memory lane might be informative and entertaining to those who have only known our family a few years...

Hope and Peace in the Storm

If you've been buffeted about by the current storms this world keeps throwing out, maybe you just need a reason for hope. This is a post about faith, and is the best reason I can think of for hope...